Stone Ridge Subdivision Fredericksburg TX
Stone Ridge Subdivision average home prices Fredericksburg TX
Even with the major slow down in 2023 Stone Ridge subdivision also has proven to be a good investment for many. As with most of the Fredericksburg seen gains over the years. If you bought a house in Stone Ridge 5 years ago you probably made a really good investment. In 2019 the average sales price was $479,139 and as of the end 2023, the average has increased to $870,408! And it is not just because bigger homes were selling, if we compare the price per foot in 2019 it was $197.23 and at the end of 2023 saw that number jumped to $332.81 per foot.
The Stone Ridge community was started back in 1996 with Unit I, and has now grown to 10 Units! What once was raw land at he Northern edge of town is now a beautiful, vibrant neighborhood! You will find upscale homes here that boast unique designs, immaculate landscaping, and great neighbors! With relatively low traffic and plenty of cup-de-sacs, the neighborhood is quiet and peaceful. Take a drive through the subdivision in the morning or afternoons and you will see lots of folks out for a walk and visiting with their neighbors. Meanwhile being on the edge of town it also allows for ample opportunity to view wildlife in your back yard.
2023 Stone Ridge opened phase #11. A lot is happening in StoneRidge as well as Fredericksburg and demand for homes close to town is still in high demand. Give me a call today to find out what your home might be worth in today’s market!
The chart below shows the last nine years of market data for Stone Ridge.
Total Sells | Total Units | Avg Price | Avg DOM | Ave Home Size | Avg Price per ft | |
2013 | $6,723,385 | 16 | $420,212 | 192 | 2672 square ft | $157.02 |
2014 | $5,372,500 | 13 | $413,269 | 157 | 2712 square ft | $152.34 |
2015 | $7,303,000 | 17 | $429,588 | 83 | 2698 square ft | $159.19 |
2016 | $10,394,550 | 22 | $472,480 | 105 | 2655 square ft | $177.93 |
2017 | $9,748,840 | 19 | $513,097 | 101 | 2690 square ft | $190.82 |
2018 | $8,342,150 | 16 | $521,384 | 152 | 2706 square ft | $192.66 |
2019 | $8,624,500 | 18 | $479,139 | 129 | 2429 square ft | $197.23 |
2020 | $17,325,198 | 29 | $597,421 | 137 | 2801 square ft | $212.56 |
2021 | $10,199,000 | 15 | $679,933 | 80 | 2781 Square ft | $246.00 |
2022 | $16,687,500 | 22 | $758,523 | 66 | 2607 square ft | $294.02 |
2023 | $10,444,900 | 12 | $870,408 | 78 | 2,617 square ft | $332.81 |
2024 | 15,996,400 | 19 | $841,916 | 170 | 2683 square feet | $310.69 |
Stone Ridge Restrictions and Plats:
Unit #1 Restrictions Plat #1 Plat #2
Unit #2 Restrictions Plat
Unit #3 Restrictions Plat
Unit #4 Restrictions Plat
Unit #5 Restrictions Plat
Unit #6 Restrictions Plat
Unit #7 Restrictions Plat
Unit #8 Restrictions Plat
Unit #9 Restrictions Plat
Unit #10 Restrictions Plat
Unit #11 Restrictions Plat
Stone Ridge Subdivision Fredericksburg TX
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